- Show 100 entries on rank
- Add Task Points rank
- Fix Energy Extensive HP
- Nightfall Token rarity increase
- Loot balancing in library caves
- Ice ball and Earth ball spells now have a wider range (similar to mage spells)
- Icrease Exp Bonus for full energy points to 50%!
- Bugfixes
- Report Bugs
New Patch
- Added option to enable/disable charging one by one.
- You can now have 8 charging, but can only use 4 at the same time.
- Small fixes
Double Loot Event days 14 and 15 (server save).
Add buttons Sell All, Get All, Add All, Withdraw All, Deposit All.
- Since every other vocation only have a single target, so the Critical of Flare bolts and exploisive arrows will have a CHANGE to hit secondary targets, only when the critical is applied to the main target.
- Strong heal spell now uses 210 mana. Instead of removing the healing, to balance things, pallys should be able to block strong monsters but for a small cost increase.
- Reduced Cooldown for Strong Twist Rage.
All vocations:
- Spells attacks deal critical damage to every target hit.
Ancient Training Station:
- Training online will recover your energy points the same way as being offline. You only regain energy points every 10 MINUTES of online training.
Added option to distinguish between Supporter Name color
Options screen changed
Orc paladins have a lower chance to attack (it was really hard for a low level mob)
Changed Task outfit points required (It is still hard, and is meant to be hard)