New Update
Timed Spawn Bosses are now stronger and have damage resistances
Increase diagonal movement speed
Implemented TIER ZERO tasks (NPC Bat Tasks)
- No boss, with task points as reward.
- Maximum task points allowed 10.
Add "Show confirmation in Store Supply Purchase"
Add "Force Aim on Area Spells"
"Always use aim" Changed to "Use Aim on Spells When not Targeted"
Add current tasks on hud ("Show Task on Hud")
Fix hp bar being drawn behind other players names
Exp boost can be purchased if you have less than 10 minutes
- Add Fullscreen (alt+enter)
- Add confirmation on Exit
- Default keymapping as WASD
- Controller R2 and L2 are now handled as buttons
Add Key Mapping
Add Different sound for damage when mana block is active
Add Show Mana Bar option
Changed Dwarves Task Points reward
Add Orc Rampage to Orcs task
Change level for Blast and Ball Runes
Change Demonation Time to 10 minutes
Fix Death Splat
New Server South America!
- Release date April 10th 2023
- Transfer Blocked - No character can be transferred to or from this server
- We will add one more character Slot to the account
Added Mounts:
- Most obtained through special missions!
- One obtained by store
Added Party session Summary:
- See the loot, supply and damage information about your party members.
- Session is update in intervals (currently 5 minutes) You can use this at random times to check profit or at the end of the hunt
Added Raids:
- Places that can be raided will be very dangerous, be careful!
New monters, Hunts, Boss, task, quests, mechanics, items (Some may not be available yet)
New minimap look:
- Higher map fidelity
- Max zoom out increased
Multiple map changes
- Remake some places
- Animations
Bosses and Items changes
- Boss Akhanamur has now level to access
- Set Hell level 200 changed to level 300
- Set Thunder level 300 changed to level 400
- Boss corpose disposer loots changed
Camera Distance can now be set to a further distance
- You can now look a bigger map, but you may have to configure it to look better in your device
Show "All Servers Rank" and "Current Server Rank" separately
Merge servers SA3 into SA2 (SA3 removed)
Merge servers EU2 into NA3 (EU2 removed)
Oceania server changed to a different location
Performance improvemnts
* Skill Event (18 to 24 December)
* Double Loot Event (25 December)
* Exp Event (26 December to 01 January)
Christmas Event (all december)
- Added white present - Used for this year event
- Mobs with 20+ exp will drop presents. As higher the mob exp, the more probable it is to drop presents
- Special boss (now respawn less often, and will heal less)
- New rewards for deliverying presents according to your level
- Increase Strong Arrow Storm area
- Show minutes left to advance when time < 3h at Hud
Created account
- You can have up to 3 character
- You can only login in one character at the time
- You can create a character at login screen
- Supporter status now are based on the account. If you make purchase or use a supporter voucher, the supporter status (30 days, as it is today) will be apply to all characters of the account
- It is not possible to delete characters
New use for gems
As you ask for other uses for gems, we have introduced:
Regular Online Training
- Advance your skill Online, with a lower cost, but also in a slower rate.
- You advance skills in rate based on traning with mobs
- You can train up to 24h straight
- You are not kicked for being afk while training
- You will traing your defense skill too (your progress is based on your vocation, knights advance faster)
- Energy points are recovered while training
- Supporters will advance in a higher rate (About 30% Faster)
- This type of training is planned to be more acessible, make you progress similar to training with monsters, and not having to worry about it.
Offline training
- Changed the maximum time allowed from 12h to 24h
Comparing the training types:
- Offline Training: Slow progress and cheap price
- Regular Training Station: Medium progress and Medium Price
- Ancient Training Station: Fast progress and Expensive
Teleport To town
- Send you to the current city temple.
- You can only use if you are not in some condictions, as not logout blocked, not skulled and not too close to the temple.
- (Despite being against this feature for a long time, i decided to implement it based on what it brings to the table. Making your way back to town will be easier, and you can also use to skip traps. This may also give you more free time to do what you actually want to, save yourself from dangerous places and avoid deaths, as when you run out of supply. Keep in mind that are rules to use it, and it will be activated automatically when you buy it at store.)
Store Items
- Limit of items changed from 2000 items to 5000.
- Activates a blessing, reducing your exp and skill lost in 50% on death. You loose your blessing on any death (regardless of pvp or monster).
Name change
- This have been moved from Menu - Options, to Menu - Store - Special
Removed confirmation by typing your name - Changed to a simple checkbox to make it easier to purchase items.
- Mini Map - You can now drag the map to see the surroudings
- All screens now have a different resizing strategy, to make it look better in all resolutions.
- This is at testing, so if you find a problem with your device, buttons too small or any weird scenarios, send us a report.
- Icons and interface should not have distorcion now, besides having a better look
- Added setting to change the HUD transpency and Status Bar transparency independently
- Fixing small bugs, security and performance updates.
*** Remember that reports that leads to solution of exploitable bugs can be rewarded in gems! ****
We have changed our Terms and Rules to make it clear that BANISHMENTS can be applied to all related accounts when rule violations occurs.
- Removed or reduced healing for mobs used to traing, and added offensive spells to them.
- Panuk is new a supporter only city. Boat access has been removed, accecible only via carpet.
- Added Flash Arrow
- Changed how Axes works. By using an Axe, knights focus both hands to cause damage. This can result in stronger movements, and higher area of effect, striking nearby targets. A wise knight will know how to explore the capabilities of an Axe.
- Fix monster taking some time to attack you when you walk by it. Now they instantly hit you. Take care while exploring and hunting, this may change the dificulty of hunts significantly.
- Changed the requirements for one of the Tombs quest. You know the one i am talking about. Taking in consideration that many players of the game work and studie, we want to make it possible for them to explore all the game content as well. It was fun to have the quest as it was before, but i will make it so a player can make it spending an afternoon of his life (The magic number now is 35). I guess this is something that everyone can perform, and it is a one time thing still. Even though this changes the lore a little, we will still proceed with this change. So hope this brings more options to everyone.
- Added new Death Explosion Effects (Show Damage and Death Explosion Effects).
Changes in the Terms and rules
- Added text to make it clear that BANISHMENTS can be applied to all related accounts when rule violations occurs.
- Show 100 entries on rank
- Add Task Points rank
- Fix Energy Extensive HP
- Nightfall Token rarity increase
- Loot balancing in library caves
- Ice ball and Earth ball spells now have a wider range (similar to mage spells)
- Icrease Exp Bonus for full energy points to 50%!
- Bugfixes
- Report Bugs
We are planning an 50% EXP AND SKILLS EVENT or days 30 and 31 of July
During this event you will increase skills 50% faster and will receive 50% more experience from killing monsters. Have fun.